“Sheriff Joe Lombardo is running for Governor of the Great State of Nevada. A U.S. Army and Nevada National Guard veteran, Joe joined the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department in 1988 and has bravely served and protected the people of Nevada for the past 34 years. As the elected Sheriff of Clark County, Joe has fought some of the worst criminals and defended neighborhoods and communities from the horrific violence enabled by the Radical Left across our great Country.
As Governor, Joe will fiercely Protect our under-siege Second Amendment, Oppose Sanctuary Cities, Support our Law Enforcement, Veto any Liberal Tax Increase, Protect Life, and Secure our Elections. Joe Lombardo is the leader Nevada needs, and he has my Complete and Total Endorsement for Governor!”
By Donald J. Trump
The post Endorsement of Joe Lombardo appeared first on The Desk of Donald Trump.
The Desk of Donald Trump
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