“Janae Shamp, who was spurred to action by the Rigged and Stolen 2020 Presidential Election, is running for the Arizona State Senate. Janae is not a politician—she’s a registered nurse, a Patriot, and MAGA through and through. Janae will defeat the RINOs and the Radical Left, will fight to restore our Border, which was the strongest ever and is now the weakest ever, make our schools great again, will stop unconstitutional mandates, and will always put America, and Arizona, FIRST. Her opponent, Joanne Osborne, is a RINO disaster, who is being pushed by pathetic Arizona governor, Doug Ducey, who has allowed so many bad things to happen to the State, like Weak Borders and bad Election Integrity. Even the sad clown, Jeff “Flakey” Flake, is on her side, and that’s all you have to know. Early Voting starts today, and Election Day is August 2nd. Vote for Janae Shamp in Arizona State Senate District 29. She will not let you down, and has my Complete and Total Endorsement!”
By Donald J. Trump
The post Endorsement of Janae Shamp appeared first on The Desk of Donald Trump.
Posted on Truth Social, Endorsement
The Desk of Donald Trump
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