Elon Musk recently shared a first look inside Cortex, Tesla’s supercomputer cluster at the Giga Texas complex. The short video, which shows a section of Cortex that was still being set up, was posted by the CEO on social media platform X.
As could be seen in the video, the Giga Texas-based supercluster spans rows upon rows of Nvidia H100/H200 GPUs. Musk has previously noted on X that Cortex will feature about 100,000 H100/H200 GPUs, which should provide some serious muscle for Tesla’s AI training. “Video of the inside of Cortex today, the giant new AI training supercluster being built at Tesla HQ in Austin to solve real-world AI,” Musk wrote in his post on X.
Video of the inside of Cortex today, the giant new AI training supercluster being built at Tesla HQ in Austin to solve real-world AI pic.twitter.com/DwJVUWUrb5
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) August 26, 2024
Tesla’s artificial intelligence efforts are critical in the development of two of the company’s most important products, Full Self-Driving (FSD) and Optimus, a humanoid robot. The feasibility of Tesla’s planned Robotaxi network, which was outlined by Elon Musk in Master Plan, Part Deux way back in 2016, is highly dependent on the success of FSD. Optimus, meanwhile, has the potential to change numerous industries, such as manufacturing.
Cortex is a very large supercomputer cluster, so much so that the facility required a whole new extension to Giga Texas’ main building. Musk also previously mentioned that Cortex will require about 130 MW of cooling this year before expanding to over 500 MW of cooling in the next 18 months. Drone flyovers of the Giga Texas facility show that work is underway to build a large supercomputer cooling system near Cortex.
The Giga Texas-based supercluster is not the only supercomputer that will be built by Tesla for its FSD efforts. Earlier this month, Tesla signed an agreement with Buffalo, New York, to extend the company’s commitment to operate Giga New York for five more years until 2034. As part of the new agreement, Tesla will be investing $500 million in a Dojo supercomputer project in Buffalo, with $350 million being invested in the project by the end of next year. Dojo, as per Tesla’s previous presentations, is expected to help in the development of autonomous driving systems.
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News, Elon Musk, Featured, Tesla
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