White British Cops Win Discrimination Case; Were Not Considered For Promotion Due To Skin-Color
Authored by Steve Watson via Modernity.news,
Three Thames Valley Police officers have won an employment tribunal in which they charged they had been disadvantaged by employers for being “white British”.
The Telegraph reports that the tribunal was informed that a superintendent at the police force was tasked with ‘improving diversity’, specifically by seeking to appoint an “Asian” sergeant to the rank of Detective Inspector.
👮 Three white police officers have won a discrimination case after an employment judge ruled that they were passed over for promotion because of their race.
— The Telegraph (@Telegraph) August 12, 2024
The three officers, who had all been working for the force for between 19-26 years were actively blocked from applying for the position.
The vacancy was never advertised and no competitive employment process was initiated, it was revealed at the tribunal.
A month after the position became available, a Sergeant Sidhu (Forename withheld) was appointed.
This person held a lower rank and wasn’t even an inspector or detective inspector, unlike the three white officers.
‘We have a police force that’s turned down well qualified white candidates – just because they’re white – so Sergeant Sidhu can have a go!’@PatrickChristys says ‘we’re prioritising diversity over public safety’ suggesting there’s ‘institutional racism against white people’. pic.twitter.com/tCyXWuItNO
— GB News (@GBNEWS) August 13, 2024
The Tribunal noted that the Superintendent (Emma Baillie) had been ordered to “make it happen” by the Deputy Chief Constable and “took the decision without thinking it through.”
It was also revealed that Baillie later tried to “retrospectively justify” the decision, claiming the appointment was made under a “BAME Progression Program which clearly did not exist at the time”.
“Superintendent Baillie and no doubt the deputy chief constable had been warned of the risk of operating such a policy,” the tribunal said.
Employment Judge Robin Postle concluded “The Superintendent made a decision to move Police Sergeant Sidhu into the detective inspector role without any competitive assessment process taking place.“
Postle added, “It went beyond mere encouragement, disadvantaging those officers who did not share Sergeant Sidhu’s protected characteristic of race and who were denied the opportunity to apply for the role.”
“It was not a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim. Clearly, Superintendent Baillie was only focused on ‘making it work’ rather than carrying out a balancing exercise,” the judge further noted, adding that the decision “clearly constituted positive discrimination.”
White privilege, right?
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Tyler Durden
Thu, 08/15/2024 – 03:30
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