The team behind Netflix’s “Karate Kid” spinoff “Cobra Kai” announced, on Friday, that the upcoming sixth season will be the show’s final one. In an open letter, the series’ creators, Josh Heald, Jon Hurwitz, and Hayden Schlossberg, acknowledged the creative team behind the original 1984 “Karate Kid” movie, Robert Mark Kamen, John Avildsen and Jerry Weintraub, while adding that they were ending the series on their own terms.
Heald, Hurwitz and Schlossberg did leave the door open for another spinoff, however, saying they hoped to be able to tell more Karate Kid stories in the future. Cobra Kai premiered in 2018 on the YouTube Premium service (then called “YouTube Red”) before moving to Netflix and followed the lives and martial arts adventures of the original “Karate Kid” protagonists, Daniel LaRusso and Johnny Lawrence, thirty years later.
News, Martial arts, Cobra kai, Entertainment
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